Bringing people together.

Donut regularly pairs up team members who don’t know each other well to spread trust and collaboration across your organization.

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  • #general
  • #coffee_buddies
  • donut
  • jack
  • susie
3 donut, jack, susie

donut, jack, susie

  • donut


    I'm here to help you get to know your teammates by pairing everyone from #coffee_buddies every week.

    Why don’t you two pick a time to meet for , || or || ?

  • susie

    Thanks @donut , @jack – how about Blue Bottle?

  • jack

    Sounds great, can't wait!

The best teams use Donut

  • Meetup Image
  • Blue Apron
  • Q Logo
  • Culture Amp Logo

How IBM is using Slack to persuade software engineers to socialize
"Donut pulls engineers out of their bubbles and encourages them to meet new people."

two hands holding two cups of coffee
two people smilling and talking online via video call

Connect with coworkers, make a date with Donut
"We're looking forward to continuing our Donut meeting tradition and further building a sense of connectedness across offices."

Invision Logo

How Open Team 3 got that coding super power. Now they're building great open source apps.

"For over 40 hours a week for a period of 20 weeks. The Chingu Platypus Open Team 3 made progress on their B2L clone app. It wasn't an easy journey but we aquired a lot of experience along the way. Now landing page design comes easy."

Twitter Screenshot
I'm glad to be in a group such as Chingu Cohorts where i can collaborate with other enthusiastic coders from around the world building great open source applications & websites. It has been a great journey so far. - Chingu Team Member
Chance & his team have provided us with a great platform where "coders can come together and learn together. Collaboration has never been better." - Open Team 3
donut image

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae beatae enim commodi" 5:31PM - 21 Nov 2016

Card image cap

Built by Chingu Platypus Open Team 3

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

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donut image


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit - . Repudiandae beatae enim commodi." 5:31PM - 21 Nov 2016

Card image cap

Chingu Cohorts Build 2 Learn Project

This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

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donut image


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae beatae enim commodi." 5:31PM - 21 Nov 2016

Card image cap

Open Team 3

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.

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People-first new-hire onboarding

(Coming soon)

Create a culture of connection from day one with Donut.

The latest research suggests that onboarding may be the most critical time in an employee’s experience at a company — one that has a long-lasting impact on engagement, performance, and retention.
-Harvard Business Review

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Pair employees to meet

Pair every 1-4 weeks

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Let's Chat

Connect groups of 2-6

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Stay up to date with Chingu Platypus Open Team 3 as they go around conquering the programming world.

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